The Silk Scarf

User: Roo
The Silk Scarf
He was the heir of renowned Moore and Co., with dazzling looks and heavy pocket he did not lack opposite sex attractions. But he had no interest in anyone until he saw one girl and he never knew that love is so unexpected. And he never thought he will have to suffer for a girl he couldn't have.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I thought you said it was completed! I feel cheated I only got the first page.....Let me know when you fix it, it sounds like something I would like to read.....

2 Kommentare

Again! This is the second comment I got on this :O, I really don't know how to fix it. I'll do my best...



Wichtiger Beitrag

Good beginning, but before you put it up for sale, you might want to get some editing help to clean up the English and fix some of the grammatical errors, like tense-switching. If you did that, you'd have a really interesting story. Even with the mistakes, though, it caught my interest. Imagine how much more dynamic it will be once it's edited. I wish you the best with this - it has a lot of potential!

1 Kommentar

Thank You so much :) I'm new to writing. I'm not a native English speaker. Hope to find someone to edit.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Glynis Rankin

Not bad so far, but I only got the first page. You might not have it set for the rest to be seen.

3 Kommentare

:O I didn't know! I'll try to fix it. And thanks for you comment :)

Glynis Rankin

So what we see is just a sample, you might want to check to see if you have it for sale. Try to use, just for bookrix , and stop sale, so we can see the whole story. That way we can give you more feedback.


okay, thanx :)

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