Island Girl

Island Romance Von:
Island Girl

A love story set in Boracay Island about two different people, Alexa, a free spirited and independent woman and Josh, a family oriented, serious, and responsible guy. The moment that he heard about the nasty rumors about Alexa, Josh became more interested in her. He's challenged by her. Some people might consider her wild but she seems to have captured his attention with her boisterous and unique personality. Will Josh learn to accept her past or will he be turned off? 

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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Will you be able to do any editing to this before it's available to purchase? Because - and please don't be angry with me for this - if I spent money on this story and then tried to read it with all the mistakes you have, I'd be upset and want a refund. New writers get so excited about the idea of being published, that they don't take the time to learn how to write well. Your blurb alone would make me hesitate to buy this.... mehr anzeigen

Roxanne Jade Regalado

Always when things are done in a hurry are not done well and has lots of mistakes.


It could still use some minor editing, but so far its a good read... good luck.

Roxanne Jade Regalado

Thanks! I'll do that.

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