My Life in an Open Space

Metaphor for Life Von:
User: rwatson13
My Life in an Open Space
This book is my life mixed up and formed into a metaphor. My mind is an interesting place and so is my life.

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Vail, Co

Tillerson is the only adult, everyone else is a side show

He ran a large global company well
There is no other test than to run a company like Exxon
Everyone else played in a sandbox for a career

Let's hope he gets the guts to burn this down like it should

Being an emasculated former Exxon CEO is most extreme injustice - everyone
else danced with the devil for fame and got burned. Rex got pushed in and led
with logic... mehr anzeigen

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Well that's the only one of it's kind in my collection but I might make another or just add more to it.

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Thank you just some thoughts running through my head. I wanted to save them in a book. :)

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