VeRrÜcKtE wElT

VeRrÜcKtE wElT
The Girl in The Mirror
by ~roseline4eva

I'm crying out, I'm breaking down,
I am fearing it all,
Stuck inside these walls,
Tell me there is hope for me
Is anybody out there listening?

I look down into the infinite deep
trying not to give up
I try to keep a clear head
But my mind is clouded by past memories

I look in the mirror
a tear-stained face
looks at me

A small smile and then she nods
she lifts her arm
She is holding a razor blade

Tears running over her face
with the other hand she wipes away the tears
Her eyeshadow colors her cheeks grayish black

She puts on her wrist, the razor blade
and ...

And again the girl in the mirror looks at me
she smiles
raises her bloodied arm and cries

I look closer and see myself
The girl in the mirror was me

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