Christianity Teaches Salvation Through Jesus’ Blood and Resurrection, Rather than Repentance and Doing Jesus’ Mission

This book is Destruction # 9 of 12 Of Christianity Destroyed Jesus ____________________________________________________ Von:
Christianity Teaches Salvation Through Jesus’ Blood and Resurrection, Rather than Repentance and Doing Jesus’ Mission

Jesus’ blood on the cross did not—even a drop—cleanse us of our sins.  For if this is true, then the unrepentant criminal hanging there on the cross beside Jesus had also been saved, just as the other criminal who had repented.  


Jesus lived because he wanted us to live to the fullest by showing us the way, the truth, and the life.  He died because he wanted to show us how committed was he in bringing us that fullness of life.


In the spirit of the covenant he made with his disciples, Jesus poured out his blood for all those who would put their faith in him, repent, and be co-workers in his Mission.  Unless we repent and follow him, even a thousand deaths of Jesus could never ever save us from our sins. 


In the final analysis, it shall be “our own death and resurrection” from our own wickedness and selfishness that may save us, not the “death and resurrection” of our Lord Jesus Christ. 



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