Norse Hearts

Viking Historical Romance Von:
User: Rgabel
Norse Hearts

Norse Hearts is a historical romance set in 760 AD, before the wild men of the North made their mark in history by raiding an English monastery at Lindisfarne and became known to the world as Vikings

The story opens with Einar, a well-seasoned Viking warrior, begrudgingly following his Jarl’s order to attack and kill the people attending a small church in the little Britain town of Seletun, on the River Ouse. Not finding the riches promised him there, he decides to take a few captives to help with the loss of profit, including the woman he was sent to kill.

Seraphina, the landowner’s daughter, finds herself trapped in a nightmare on the eve of her wedding. Taken by a man she considers uncivilized, she fights to get back to her betrothed and the lands that are hers by birthright.

Caught between a conniving fiancee and the fierce warrior who only sees her as a way to increase his profit and soothe his injured honor, Seraphina will have to decide where her love and loyalties lie.


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