Dance of the Seasons

User: Rgabel
Trees, Fall Foliage, Dance
Beiträge und Kommentare
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I loved it. As I read one stanza I though a woman dancing while a white gown as the leaves were falling around her. But another stanza brought me to believe the leave were alive and dances with eachother for all the world to see.
It was majestic and amazing.

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I love the autumn season. In fact, fall is my favorite time of the year. The multi-colored leaves and bushes are so gorgeous. You've described this scenery adeptly. Your poetry captures a snapshot of God's wonderful gift of creation. How eloquent and reminiscent of the olden times! I can just picture people dancing beneath the trees, playing music, and singing.

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Robynn, you are a true weaver of beautiful words...the Lord must be proud.

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I love your poetry(s).

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