The Tale of Princess Lillianna

Book 1 Von:
The Tale of Princess Lillianna
Love is strange, at least, it is for Lillianna St. Clair, princess of Germany. When she gets kidnapped by Herome the spy, she thinks her life will take a turn for the worst. The story of Forbidden love, witches, and diamond-crazed store owners, this book has it all!

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

You're a really good writer for your age, and it's nicely written. I was immediately jealous of your book when I began reading because I was just thinking, "Oh my gosh! We're the same age and she writes so well!" Anyway, great book.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Review - This is a simplistic tale that reads along the lines of a fairy tale. Not sure of the Point of View in this story, but I think it was narrative. A lot happening in the many scene shifts.

Enjoyed the unusual names of Lilliana and Herome. The plot has a lot of twists and turns.

May I humbly suggest, just as an avid reader, nothing more, that you re-visit sentence structure. Another set of eyes always helps in editing.... mehr anzeigen

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