The Ghost of Chesterfield Hall

The Ghost of Chesterfield Hall
This is the first of the short stories in a series I want to write about a young ghost hunter called Alex Grimm. I hope to add more of his adventures soon!

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Alex Grimm"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Ghost of Chesterfield Hall
The Revenge of Nitocris
A Haunting on Sycamore Avenue
Brooklyn's Most Wanted
Haunted Music
Alex Grimm, Supernatural
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T︀h︀a︀t︀'︀s ︀h︀e︀r︀? WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-robi-crusoe-the-ghost-of-chesterfield-hall

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This book went along really quickly and it was hard for me to keep up with the time line. Try to add more details to your sentences they seemed boring at times and the re-using of words. Other than that well done, very mysterious and I POSITIVELY ENJOYED IT! I will read another one just for fun!

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