Mr. Linden's Library

Mr. Linden's Library
He had warned her about the book, but now it was too late. Stephanie O' Conner has stumbled onto a parrallel world, and gotten herself into a lot of touble. Only with the help of her best friends, March, Jacky, and Mr. Linden will she be able to save her life, and her world.

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S.P. Johnson Jr.

This is a great concept. It has the feel of the Twilight Zone.

One error: March is described as having brown eyes in one paragraph, and blue in the next.

A suggestion: Don't have Stephanie say outright that "this is a parallel universe." Let the details make that reveal; they are enough.

Question: Is this 1000 words or less? It seems like longer. Make sure it's pared for the flash fiction contest. You could probably condense the... mehr anzeigen

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A spellbinding story! I couldn't stop until I had finished. What an imagination you have! Great work!

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