Brooklyn's Most Wanted

Brooklyn's Most Wanted
Alex has got himself into a whole lot of trouble this time. When he goes to Brooklyn, New York, he finds out about the worst criminal ghost there, Tabby Clarkson, and his malicious gang of thugs.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Alex Grimm"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Ghost of Chesterfield Hall
The Revenge of Nitocris
A Haunting on Sycamore Avenue
Brooklyn's Most Wanted
Haunted Music
Beiträge und Kommentare
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You have a good story here, with a little cleaning up it would be even better!

You don't spend enough time on the characters surroundings and how they feel (Of course, this is all a matter of opinion) I do realize that this was for the flash fiction contest and so you did what you could with the words you were allotted, but DEFINITELY expand this! :D

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