Paws for Thought

Paws for Thought

Once upon a time I existed without a pet around my home. I think of those days as the dark ages. Then the enlightenment arrived with a dog called Charlie and a cat called Spite.


They have become my firm friends and companions. They bring happiness and laughter to every day that I've been with them.


They are far better stress-busters than bubble-wrap.


Even when I want a little bit of peace and quiet and they won't let me, they unfailingly offer unconditional affection at all times.


Unless you are my postman.


They are clever and intuitive and Charlie and I both know the golden rule.


The cat is the boss.

This book is a humourous set of recollections about my life and times with my cat and dog. Any animal lover will share my delight in co-existing with two animals that have their very own perceptions of what a pets' life should be like. If your ideas do not match with theirs then they will soon do so.


The book contains a wealth of really good advice on how to train and deal with your pets.


It may do no good whatsoever.

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Pet, pets, cat, kitten, dog, animals, humour, training
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