Blinded by the Light

Blinded by the Light

 “The auditorium was packed with hundreds of people young and old, mostly casually dressed and there was this huge shout of joy bubbling up from all the rows of people. Children running in the aisles and having a great time and the band was playing really loudly. Oh Man! It was so alive and free! It felt like I was coming home after a long journey through a dry and thirsty desert.”


“Something inside me just cracked up after all those months of pain and suddenly I found myself weeping uncontrollably in the back row of this living church. This was a new revelation and it lived and breathed the joy of God’s Holy Presence.”


“Over the last thirty years I have met many men and women who have had a wondrous and powerful experience in which they have personally been confronted by God in such amazing ways that their lives have changed forever.”


This is a true story written as a novel and it began many years ago in the little seaside town of Jeffreys Bay, which became famous as a surfing paradise because of its powerful waves, a fisherman’s dream because of its fantastic fish and a village which has become a holiday destination for the rich and famous.


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