A Medal For Mary

User: robastor
A Medal For Mary
For Mary, reality is confused. Her memories don't fit with current events. Living in some of the most fantastic circumstances imaginable, she slowly comes to the realization that she's caught up in dreams while the harsher reality finds Lynn and Klexi trying to escape a prison camp and rescue Mary from a nightmarish parasite experiment.

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Great book, I really liked it! Just long enough for me to read. I am really not an avid reader but I think you should write more or even a series off of this one. That would be great, I would read it.

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What an interesting story, Rob, great work!

Unfortunately it said I have already voted for this one when I haven't; will keep trying.


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Another good read, Rob, great job, keep up the good work!


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Theres a lot happening in this story. many layers, a lot of depth. This is a woman's story at its core. Well imagined and constructed science fiction.

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A very odd story but entertaining for awhile until it started getting a bit too convoluted for me. There maybe needs to be a little bit more back story on who these aliens are and why they are doing what they are doing, even if it is a little retrograde memory of the main characters to put events in perspective.

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