When Money Sleeps

User: gourgot
When Money Sleeps
"..., I became more and more aware of the silent killer that I had been to both my husband and my son. Luckily, my son survived." A well-textured story about a workaholic, through the eyes of his widowed mother.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

thank you for your very kind words. i hope and wish i get into the bracket. but regardless, please feel free to share my story with others. once again, thank you.

2 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

It's refreshing to find gems like this! It reads effortlessly and elegantly. I've been reading all the contest entries and this one, like Felix said, deserves to be in the top five. You have my vote!

Wichtiger Beitrag

I agree with Pat. This was very well written and you definitely have a talent for expressing yourself well. My only gripe with the story is that it was more of a "tell" rather than a "show" - and in flash fiction, my personal preference is a surprise ending.

However, you do deserve more votes for this very good piece of writing...and you have mine.

Wichtiger Beitrag

There are certain, sure indicators that a writer knows her stuff. An effortless facility with language and narration...most times I can predict the quality of a work by simply reading the first paragraph. I'll be damned if the entire story wasn't filled with exceptional imagery and language, from start to exquisite finish.
My hat is off to you, RN. This story should be in the top five, and I mean that sincerely. I so hope... mehr anzeigen

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