The divine merger through tantra yoga

The divine merger through tantra yoga

The divine merger through tantra yoga is not just a book on tantra yoga, it's a wholesome experience to give you a depth in all aspects of life. 23 chp[aters to make this happen to you and give you an incredible depth of life.


  1. Tantra is a possibility to higher realm of consciousness
  2. The awakening of authentic sexual energy
  3. The process of surrender in tantra yoga with your partner
  4. Explore the process of igniting your sexuality to experience intense and deep orgasm
  5. Being aware of the rising of your sexual energy in you and your partner
  6. The depth of sexual intimacy
  7. Turn on the qualities of intense love making through tantric process
  8. What you must never do while doing tantric sex
  9. Explode in bliss through tantric sex
  10. The tantric foreplay
  11. Tantric process to create an explosion of orgasm  in all your senses
  12. The transcendence to higher planes of consciousness
  13. Letting go of fear through intense tantric merger
  14. Healing emotional wounds through tantric sex
  15. Energy healing through tantra yoga
  16. Tantra yoga to attain orgasmic meditative state
  17. Sex creates bondage but tantric sex liberates you
  18. How to know wether you are bonded or liberated
  19. The progressive healing and awakening of inner bliss through tantra yoga
  20. Experiencing sexual bliss
  21. The tantric process to  blend sex and merge with your higher being
  22. Igniting the higher centers within
  23. Healing guilt through tantra yoga

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