Me and new love

Maybe there is love out there for everyone Von:
Me and new love
This story is about love,werewolves and danger.Find out for more. I love renesmee so I will make her mean, lol just kidding you guys but i dont know what to do

Jacob Black, nw moon, werewolf
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This book of course plus i think that Carmela should come to la push thinking that jake and her could be come a couple but her plans are interupted by nessie jake's imprint who's like 16 or 15. And Carm my nickname for her gets jealous and finds out about the supernatraul world and everything goes out of control

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thanks to emochick6.3 we now have ! vote for me and new love, tell me more, what do you think should continue my stranger or me and new love? i wont go on until i get answers. remember that my stranger or me and new love will not be deleted- it will just be moved back until the next book is done

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Depending on how many clicks I get for each book I am letting you guys decide between New Love( For those who love team Jacob) and My stranger( for those who just crave the cullens and love the Volturi!!!)Just tell me what you want in clicks and comments and message me, I will let you know buy Sept. 18. And I am private messenging people who reds these books, so beware.I will let you know what book I am going to focus on my... mehr anzeigen

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