Half Life

And Other Short Stories Von:
User: reggie600
Half Life
Great Stories for Young Adults with plenty of action and heartfelt drama. Half Life is about an extreme sports enthusiast who attempts a wing suit flight at the edge of space. Thrust into a wormhole he finds he has traveled backward in time and must now save the life of the daughter of his professor. Safe Haven is a story about a young homeless unwed mother who is faced with the decision to give her 3 year old son up for adoption and instead finds new friends at a Firehouse Safe Haven drop off. Bounce House and Halloween in the Baker Hotel are stories about survival and young kids thrust into impossible situations they have to use instincts and pure luck to survive the night. The Bee and Nannette Interrupted are stories about young people who find themselves in life altering situations they never saw themselves involved in. These stories will thrill YA readers and keep them turning the pages to see what will happen next.

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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Kenzhie Addie

The reading sample was already amazing and pretty interesting. This is a really great book. You're an amazing writer.

1 Kommentar

Thank you very much.

Wichtiger Beitrag

If the sampler is the standard set by the author, the remainder of the book is a must-read.

1 Kommentar

Thanks so much Chris-Jean.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Good stuff to relax whenever you find some time to read a good story...

Simply a great mix! Fluently readable and exiting from the first to the last page.
Clearly a must!

2 Kommentare

Thanks. Much appreciated.

Gelöschter User

You are welcome!

Wichtiger Beitrag

love the story llne, and how you describe your characters and the scene. good job reggie :) ^ ^

2 Kommentare

Thanks MJ and thanks for adding to your favorites.


np it was really good for how far i've read :)

Wichtiger Beitrag
James Gerard

Just finished the book and enjoyed all the stories. Some of the stories were very heart-warming while some very suspenseful. And as I read through the stories I could see they all were very crafted from a creative imagination. Well done

1 Kommentar

Thank you so much for your great review. Saw it on Amazon just now. Never expected anything but always appreciate the feedback. Good or bad. Please let me know if you should ever need a review or anything. Thanks for the heart on Bookrix too. Made my day and got me out of my... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
James Gerard

Reggie, I just purchased the story and have it on my tablet. I have a couple of novel length books I am currently reading and will get to your story in a few days.

1 Kommentar

Thanks James. Made my day.

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