Why Won't He Date Me?

Why Won't He Date Me?
Is KarrieAnn crazy or crazy for H-I-M???kssfnv[oaisfh poinerhpigjn opjpoifjoiaerjoifj nposirjgpoiafjp oijaspf ihgp9 rwhfg9piasrhpofi hnosfhgpoiarhg

Crazy, Stupid, Book
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Your imagination is a riot! I enjoyed this short story; was cheering for KarrieAnn initially, but then...I won't spoil the ending:)
Pretty darned amazing:)

1 Kommentar
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Wichtiger Beitrag

This is quite a funny romantic story. I was smiling while reading the top ten list; I like it. Keep goin’ girl!

Wichtiger Beitrag

It is kind of angsty because of the girl. Yet, pretty funny in some way. I like it. You do have a few things that could be fixed. But, all in all I am enjoying it. It's quite different.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Loved it especially as it became more descriptive.
Don't forget to start a new line each time a different person speaks.
Remember to message me when you post more stories.

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