My Demons

User: Reckless
My Demons

Just Trying to release stress, depression just ups and downs in my life. putting it on paper then putting something to my arm,mouth. idk if this ever helped me from breaking down but just writiting it down kinda is helping ig idk yet

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Pink Pastel

I like you, your real and true to yourself hate is what we will never get reed of easily.

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Apurva Gaglani

Love yourself

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Gelöschter User

It's daring to open yourself like this unless it's just a novel. How do you list this book? It's raw and believable so I guess it's good. Of course it's full of grammatical errors but I'm sure you're aware of that. It's very interesting.

3 Kommentare

um it's real its all my feelings and im just putting it out there uk its just a vent i said at the beginning if you dont wanna hear someone sulk then dont read

Gelöschter User

Like I said, it's raw... it's real! I like it.


awe thank you ^-^

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3 Kommentare

69 ppl have looked at my book. hehe

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Omg, sexual numbers

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Wow, what a collection of writings... some of which I am going thru right now too! You show such heartfelt emotion in every one.

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Thanks ^-^

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Gelöschter User

I liked the part about Life.
Hope that not everything is so bad and depressing in your life like you have written down. :(

2 Kommentare

Thanks ^-^

Gelöschter User

is there a age recommendation?

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J. M. Rivers

How I never read this book before is beyond me. I think you should read it often. I give advice but I never follow my own advice.

Pain and Life are my favs. Story of my life really...We all have issues we just need to find productive ways of dealing with them. Like getting a hobby like photography, sports, baking etc.

The problem is that we stop ourselves from being happy. All those thoughts about whether we are good enough... mehr anzeigen

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Thanks ^-^

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Lena S

It's crazy to hear from someone who went through kinda the same stuff I went through.
The people around you, usually don't really understand.
Jesus set me free from all that. And believe me I know that a sound like a crazy, preaching christian but God exists girl.
I mean seriously.
God exists.

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I think that you are an amazing writer...Be blessed, Danny...

2 Kommentare

omg thank you !! i just saw this. Thank you Danny <3


You are welcome...Have an awesome weekend, Danny

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