Poems For Sabrina

My little sister who passed away Von:
Poems For Sabrina
these are my feelings of my pain after my 14yr old sister died of cancer. i miss her terribly

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i love this book

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You write from your heart. You really showed how much you love your sister. Great poems!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey im really sorry for your sister may she be in peace and ease...for even thou she has gone thy soul will seek with her til eternity. Be happy be merry remember those funny days. with the person we love gone our hearts fade and soul rots. but a great challenge is ahead for you ..this life is a test and after deatth is where we shall rebirth.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey im really sorry for your sister may she be in peace and ease...for even thou she has gone thy soul will seek with her til eternity. Be happy be merry remember those funny days. with the person we love gone our hearts fade and soul rots. but a great challenge is ahead for you ..this life is a test and after deatth is where we shall rebirth.

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