A World Unknown

User: missjina
A World Unknown
Waking up in a strange place can be frightening. Only, what if that place was somewhere that you have known all along?

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what a realistic description, truly nice, write more, and do tell me, Good luck, you deserves my vote

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B ︀e ︀s ︀t ︀★ ︀S ︀e ︀x ︀❤️ ︀D ︀a ︀t ︀i ︀n ︀g, ︀o︀p︀e︀n ︀l︀i︀n︀k ︀>>>>> WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?missjina_1310052582.1838479042

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Thanks so much guys I really appreciate the comments and I do have a whole back story to this written out I just was testing the waters with the idea. As for the font I have tried to make the font bigger, but it won't upload the file and I can't seem to change the mode to normal mode to copy and paste it just keeps refreshing the page. Hopefully I will figure out how to get it uploaded with bigger font.

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Interesting. It's like a trailer for an upcoming film. Well-written too.

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This is quite an interesting start for a longer story. But I agree with John, kindly adjust the font size to make it easier to read. Keep up the good work!

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in this then outwardly appears - her retreat into the state of.....

not going to spoil it here - good job.

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