Magic Johnson's, TBP and Frisky Doins

User: prandall
Magic Johnson's, TBP and Frisky Doins
Entry in the Drabbles Contest (3 stories of 100 words each). I was so intrigued by the concept of not using the letter "e" I totally missed the last line "Ok, yes we are (joking)." So the joke's on me, but what the hay? Here's my original blurb:
Not using a particular thing, midway from “d” to “f", was difficult but highly amusing. Who had a brainstorm such as this? I’m thinking of stringing up that individual by a particular body part, or conducting a public display with much flinging of tar and down. A triad of tiny books follows (Magic Johnson’s, TBP and Frisky Doins). I trust this is to your liking.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Three 100 worders that DO tie together, and yet can stand alone. Again, Preston, your mastery of language and structure is impressive:) :) :)
I found one verb error, lol. I wonder if you can spot it? Even so; even if the grammarians here disagree with me, these are truly exceptional and imaginatively presented!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Too funny! Not to mention brilliant, brave and crafted like a master!

As usual... "D

Wichtiger Beitrag
Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

amazing! i laughed so hard. if i ever need to cheer up, this will be in the top five places i go to laugh!
i can't believe you actually had no e's ! super pro
outside of the bookrix ranking system, you truely are a WORDSLINGER

Wichtiger Beitrag

Oh my! First, you should win just for being able to do this without any e's and make it actually understandable. Great Job!

Secondly, oh my gosh, still laughing. You are a master of insinuation! Fantastic job! I was thinking of entering this contest, but I can't compete with this! Robynn

Wichtiger Beitrag

but you really took the challenge of no e's in your stories. Great job! And funny that you took this on:-)

Wichtiger Beitrag

I wouldn't have guessed that was possible, but for a writer like yourself, it appeared effortless. Three great short stories; funny, entertaining, and enjoyable to read.

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