Minunile Bibliei

Best.-Nr. 126-6 Von:
Minunile Bibliei

În timpul nostru influenţat de ştiinţă, minunile apar la prima vedere irealiste. În special partea a doua a secolului trecut a adus cunoştinţe şi succese în ştiinţă şi tehnică, care au deschis drumuri noi:
• În anul 1938 inventatorul german Konrad Zuse (1910-1195) a construit primul calculator din lume cu aplicaţii dirijate de programe.
• La 3 decembrie 1967 medicul din Africa de Sud Christiaan Barnard (1922-2001) a făcut primul transplant de inimă reuşit.
• La 21 iulie 1969 a păşit pe lună primul om. Astronautul Neil Armstrong a proclamat plin de mândrie: „Un pas mic pentru om, dar un pas uriaş pentru omenire”.
• În 1996 embriologul scoţian Ian Wilmut a făcut prima clonare, oaia Dolly....

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Burlington, VT

Most lawyers have struggled with more than a few belligerent clients who
refused to follow advice. But we didn't know that before accepting them as

Trump's bullheaded attitude toward legal advice should be well known by now.

As one lawyer put it when declining representation, ""He won't listen and he
doesn't pay.

Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com

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Madison, WI

All user data is sensitive. This isn't about divulging secret trysts or
incurable diseases; Working mostly with users' viewing habits and likes,
Cambridge Analytica was able to build psychological profiles which were then
used to target individuals vulnerable to particular emotional-based political

Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com

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