Not to defend the idea of expecting an inheritance (I don't personally have
any plans or expectations in that regard), but I do think that financial stuff
can become very complicated when parents remarry. This is not just about the
living parent and the new spouse; but also about the deceased parent, who may
have had ideas for how things are going to be that are actively worked against
by the new spouse. I have... mehr anzeigen
Not to defend the idea of expecting an inheritance (I don't personally have
any plans or expectations in that regard), but I do think that financial stuff
can become very complicated when parents remarry. This is not just about the
living parent and the new spouse; but also about the deceased parent, who may
have had ideas for how things are going to be that are actively worked against
by the new spouse. I have seen this happen. The couples profiled in this story
all seem very nice. That's not always the case. My dad's current girlfriends
begrudges him any money he spends on us, for example, like voluntarily helping
with plane tickets or hotel rooms, even though we never ask him for anything.
Luckily their relationship is not working out; she is engaged in a concerted
effort to redirect my family's assets to her own children. It's not that I
care whether or not I inherit anything - but the idea that some people I
hardly know who just swept into our life and have no real relationship with my
father (i.e. her kids) would inherit everything - well, that kind of turns the
stomach. For these families, who knows; maybe the have property that's been in
the family for a long time and is meaningful to them. It might not just be
about the money.
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