The Robbery

The Robbery
Once an enemy always an enemy. A group of friends get themselves in a spot of bother with their rivals and they intend to get pay back. They believe they have each other backs and are willing to do anything to protect each other and will not go down without putting up a fight. Will Sparks, Tight Eyes and Mini.T's plan work?

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I liked the story and agree with a lot of the other comments in terms of needing to continue refining and developing it some more. Got some really good potential here.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

It's been said that first works are often autobiographical! Yikes! I hope not in this case!!!!

Missyman is pretty much correct. It isn't precisely "reporting", but you were close. Check out your tense agreement as well as those little grammatical and punctuation errors, too. Really, easy fixes.
The great thing about The Robbery is the way in which you showed three young girls doing something very wrong without an apparent, good... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Wow, what a way to leave us hanging! Can't wait to hear the rest. Please contact me when ya add to it please! :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

As far as the writing is is good. Some small errors here and there.
The story is also good. Needs more description. The three friends got what they deserved...will be interesting to read what will happen to them next.

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