The Ranch

User: prandall
The Ranch
A light-hearted misadventure. A young man learns the ropes at a friend's ranch but doesn't know a meadow muffin from a bran muffin and learns something about friendship in the process.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I have to be honest, the story was a little slow. I felt the urge to skim over parts of the manuscript, looking for some intense action. Nevertheless, I love the words you use to evoke specific mental images.

That said, the ending made me want to read more about out young protagonist. This piece strikes me as a first chapters... there isn't much of a big epiphany moment, neither is there a huge crisis that I want to see... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Very descriptive writing. I really enjoyed those corny ranch hand twins...geez! Fun story.

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Gelöschter User

This is a very descriptive and well-written story. It’s the kind of subject that usually draws in a crowd, but I believe that anyone who starts reading it, will be drawn in. I can honestly say that I learned more than I wanted to about silage, but I enjoyed it no less. Overall, a very good read.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Review - You have haying and silage down pat. Nice descriptions. Story wise, I kept waiting for the big moment. Needs a tad bit more excitement. Remember, I live in Wyoming, so this is nothing new to me! LOL But over all, good writing. Nice job. Robynn

Wichtiger Beitrag
J.C. Laird

Geez Preston, you're really a good writer. Your descriptions are vivid and put the reader right in the scene.

Then there's the infamous Preston humor and sarcasm...You can't beat that.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Of a combustable nature – The Ranch

This story smells. Yes, it does- the odor of silage drew up into my lungs and I was off. This little gem is exactly what Preston Randall says it is, about this kid learning the ways of a ranch and learns a little about friendship along the way.
I never thought I would enjoy reading about making silage, but I did. You do know what happens to silage don’t you? On a hot summer day, under the... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Just to page 14 will read more - to now. Never thought I could be so interested in reading about how silage is made. :) From one rancher to another. sort of.

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