One Mile Short

User: prandall
One Mile Short
This is the true story of my second to last marathon run in Edmonton Alberta in 1981 in which I qualified for Boston. The following year I ran Boston, met my wife Lynda and severed my achilles tendon (not that those 3 events are connected!). The Edmonton race was a personal best and the achilles injury ended my marathon days. This story takes you into my head from the start line to the finish in September of '81.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

I had never really thought about how much prep goes into running a marathon. Thanks for showing us what it's like from a runner's point of view. Great job. :)

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks so much John. My brain still thinks I'm an elite runner, but now when I work up the courage to run the local 8 Km race and the 11 year old and his granddad in the walker pass me in the final sprint to the line ... well, reality can be cruel. Glad you liked it!

Wichtiger Beitrag
J.C. Laird

You never told me you were an elite marathoner. I mean, a 2:35 marathon and the Boston Marathon?
You have to be one of those short, skinny guys that are always starting at the head of the pack, and are never seen again, until the festivities after the race when they receive their awards.

I was wondering how you were going to keep the story interesting, since you were going to concentrate on the actual race itself. Well, you... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User

I can't add much to what the other comments say. Well done, enjoyed reading it. Pity you injured yourself.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Review - Direct and concise. You keep an even pace, keeping the reader engaged to the end. As you paced your run, I kept wanting to sneak ahead of you and see if you win. Excellent writing. Robynn

Wichtiger Beitrag

The undeniable male-ness of the story is a second place finisher to the emotional tale.

The drop dead commitment of the individual and competitive camaraderie of the contestants should speak to everyone whose laced a shoe (or held a pen) and thought they deserved to do so.

Well done.

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