Lucifer's Propeller

A very short story Von:
User: prandall
Lucifer's Propeller
A very short, slightly humorous misadventure involving a remote-controlled ceiling fan, a dining room table with a footstool on top, a screwdriver, and someone who struggles with self-esteem when it comes to DIY projects. And aside from temporary emotional scarring, no-one was injured during the ensuing chaos.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

LOL... this is awesome. Sounds like something that would happen to me... if I had the nerve to try to fix something like that on my own...

Wichtiger Beitrag

Ain't that the truth, lol. Designers: Two psychologists noted for their CIA work. I cracked up all the way through, Preston. Suffered right along with you, too:) Me? I would have just disconnected the fan wire...if I could have found it! But what do they say? "All's well that ends well."

4 Kommentare

Thanks Patrick! One has to laugh to get through the tears...


You were crying? :) I missed that part!


One doesn't like to admit certain things...


Well, anyway, to the writing itself. The clipped sentences; the single words used for all lent itself perfectly to the story. Pace was more than excellent, but as in all GOOD's plot, lol, and yours definitely had that! It bled with frustration:)

Wichtiger Beitrag
L. Avery Brown


1 Kommentar

Thanks L. Avery! Painful as it was, I'm glad to provide a laugh or two. Makes it almost worth while...

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