
Okay this isnt meant for sympothy. Its so you know whats its like. That it isnt a joke. Read to the end. I wrote this 100% by myself. Its supposed to help you so i decided to give it a try. If you are someone that reads this and you live like this i hope it helps.

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Hi, Pixie. I read your story, and thought of two things right away - first, that what you're experiencing is common to all who have hormones and is in the process of growing into who they will eventually become. Second, that you are among those who handle this extremely difficult time by reaching out instead of in. You have a deeply empathetic heart; that's why you want to touch those who hurt you in a positive way rather... mehr anzeigen

4 Kommentare

Those words you said are amazing. Thank you


You're welcome. I meant them with all my heart, and I hope they helped. ')

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