Talking Shop

Screenplay - Pilot Von:
Talking Shop
Welcome to the shopping world of BYERITE. The store is managed by arrogant and ambitious manager, Mr David Jordan. His visions for the store are supported by his flowery assistant, Mr Christopher Reeve. David is constantly trying to impress the stores repulsive Director Larry Forsyth and his sycophantic tendencies are as apparent as Larry’s own obvious disdain for blatant homosexual, Chris. Supporting David are a diverse collection of societies misfits ranging from the retired schoolteacher to the impressionable warehouse apprentice and then there is Charlie. Throughout the series the staff face a number of challenging ‘initiatives’ faxed from Head Office. These are often wrongly interpreted and conveyed to the staff by Mr Jordan eager to please his superiors. In the pilot episode, ‘Three for one’, we are introduced to the staff at the morning briefing. Here, David in his enthusiasm has misread the crucial details of Larry’s fax from Head Office. A message that should have read ‘Bye one get free freeze’ in David’s head has become ‘Bye one get three free’. This misunderstanding leads to utter chaos as he leads his dim-witted staff on a mission that could see the shop bankrupt before the day is over!

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