Is Today's Generation Worse

Is Today's Generation Worse
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Wichtiger Beitrag

So this is the other side of Paula. Until reading this piece, I had only read your material written for children. Now I see you're a writing gem with multi-faceted abilties. Nice, thought-provoking article. Let me know when you find the answers to the questions you posed. Just kidding. I know some of those Q's have no answers.

Wichtiger Beitrag

The media consistently calls the generation before mine "America's Finest Generation". I beg to differ. I was a shrimp and had to face their trainees in the alley.

You would need an awful lot of data to judge any generation.

1 Kommentar

pointed out in the article - it seems such an off handed statement and it is heard too much in society..thanks for reading...Paula

Wichtiger Beitrag

Your story makes me stop and think I came from a divorced home my parents broke up after 28 years.They were not to blame there were so many things going on and the help offered was a joke like a band-aid on a festering wound. How could this not change this generation coming up?Leading us to deal with issues of abandonment and rejection and how we would look at marriage and life.Do we really have the right to judge? Serena

Wichtiger Beitrag

Wow, so many things to think about, so many questions to ask of ourselves, and in general. Was the 'old' way of life better? Were people kinder, more understandong? Is our generation now too much of a 'Me-only' generation?
Before 1914, was the world better? many ways, yet hardships prevailed.
What does the future hold ?...ah...we will just have to wait and see, won't we.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Very thoughtful. As if the coin has two sides, every generation has good and bad in it. I believe it's our mind set that has to chose good over evil. Rather than blaming others for their flaws.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hello! You have a impish and interesting way of putting ideas together in sentences. Like for instance 'each generation spit out' and 'day to day survival was the main dish served'.

You made very sound and valid points concerning any generation being worse than another. Hard to compare when each generation is facing something different.

Also just a suggestion, but try 'verbose spirit' instead of verbosity. You have several... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

for the suggestions and I will implement them after this campaign is over...thanks for reading...Paula

Wichtiger Beitrag

I must say I totally agree. Older folks who tell us they were better and it is better in their time are those who do not want to understand society as it is now and why it is like this.

I commend this very thought provoking and inspiring writing. Hope to read more :)

Thanks for another great read.

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