The Ice Maiden

Dear Diary Von:
The Ice Maiden
entry into diary contest and an upload to benefit Japan

If I kept a diary this would have been how it went during my courtship and marriage.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I apologize I just voted today. I’ve been busy for the past days. I’ve read your book before, and I noted it that you deserve a vote. Enjoy your week!

Wichtiger Beitrag


I was enchanted with this "story". How cool it was that you leapt forward 47 years, too:) My vote, dear:)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Now I have to go read the Notebook - that is a high complement - I'm glad you enjoyed it, Wayne.

I'm happy you're back Willie - I've missed your glad this held you...thank you both!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Paula, I really enjoyed reading this journal. It was charming, like yourself, and had a flair of whimsical meanderings that kept one reading...anxious to see what would happen next. Thanks for writing such an interesting anecdote! Elizabeth

Wichtiger Beitrag

Yes it was to outwardly eyes a whirlwind romance but what most couples accomplish in a year, we crammed into three months. And I find looking back, it is a miracle it actually not only happened but stuck.

We use to tell people we got married so we could sleep. When dating {we would work in a physical job from 8-4:30 {1/2 hr lunch}, have a rush dinner, go to night school until 10:30, stay out talking and other things until 4:30... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

It’s like a whirlwind romance, and this is a unique style for a diary. I agree with Robynn; this might look so simple, yet so real. Thumbs up!

Wichtiger Beitrag

I laughed out loud when I read your list, Paula. Really?
Well, Hal was a good choice...forty-seven years tell us:)
I loved the format.
Yes, a real diary, and a winner I'm betting:)

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was a great diary! So simple, yet so real. You captured the high points perfectly and naturally. Loved the jumping in dates, that is so much like life and real diaries. It was beautiful, and it sounds like Hal is such a gentleman. Awesome job. Robynn

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