commonly misused words - words that sound alike, spelled differently, meaning different - links for help and usage of words so common they are confused

common, misuse, grammar, words
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Wichtiger Beitrag

to the sites I took the information from - it is really extensive and would be a book too thick for anyone wanting to read.

I don't think people, on the whole, take in what they read unless they apply the differences in their writing.

Too, with text-ing, it is a form of shorthand that is often carried forth into formal writing.

Wichtiger Beitrag

It was a helpful little book. I would however like to see a comprehensive book on the subject.

Wichtiger Beitrag

And very helpful, especially in giving a more detailed explanation of usage. I do have a question about what you'd call a word with a second definition that's an antonym of its first. The word to which I refer is "cleave." It means to chop in half, but also to join together. Are there any other words like that, and what would you call them? Figured you might know (I've been curious about this for a while).

By the way, I, too,... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is a good reminder when we write an article, a story or poetry. is a good source for looking up the definition of words. But I will also try to check out Paul Noll website. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Wichtiger Beitrag

in everyday usage today, we are used to having doors open, toilets flush, hand dispensers give us soap, water turn on and towels dispensed so when we also believe that word will deliver, we presume too much...thanks for reading...Paula

Wichtiger Beitrag

How often--mainly in first drafts, lol, (I hope)--do I find my character going two the fair, or too the market!, an excellent little book reminding all of us that their is a huge difference in meaning when writers inadvertently use a homophone incorrectly in they're stories. :)

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