Sacrificial Lambs
Social Injustice served at the end of a tongue

How two generations think the world should be run; but should it? Time is the great divider.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I liked this book, it flowed nicely, and made you keep turning the pages. There are so many perspectives to our outside world that we either don't think about, or take for granted. I'm glad you illuminated on one of them, nice job!!!

2 Kommentare

thank you

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Wichtiger Beitrag

This was a work of artistry in words!
Very nicely done.
You have definitely come into your own with this one./joeparente

1 Kommentar

Thanks, Joe

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Gelöschter User

Good job. Loved the twist at the end. :)

1 Kommentar

thank you

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Carol Wills

Love this look inside the head of a real woman.

In England there is a TV series called ‘Talking Heads’ where various actors talk right at the camera, this would fit right in.

Carol x

Wichtiger Beitrag

Well done, Paula. Just got back from the doctor's office, and as I looked around the room at the various faces, I thought of your story and smiled. You nailed it perfectly. Excellently told with wit and reality.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Wow! Paula You told it exactly as it is. No punches pulled. I hate doctors and hospital. Did many deliveries to a number of them. It's sad to see all the folks there, especially the older nes.
Great story...AND funny, I must say.

Wichtiger Beitrag

You have such a gift, writing with such witty humor. You did a wonderful job combining the Chatty Cathy character and her comments with a review of history and opinion. This is a gritty, humorous down to earth view of the problems of this era. Great job! Rgabel

Wichtiger Beitrag

Privately how much I think of this work.

Publicly I'll add that to keep a smile (even if a smirk at times) in the face of ageism, elitism and disregard for the disabled is more than most of us can do.

Here you have done all that and written it up in a manner that opens these subjects to the wider world (who, no matter how many kind words, remain oblivious to the daily struggle).

Thank you for being such a person.

Thank you for... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

thanks Barry for talking me through parts where more balance insight was needed.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have family in the health care biz and this is spot on. Very true and very funny with the characterizations.

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