One Year On Meade Street

One Year On Meade Street
13 year-old Jimmy McGuire just wants to see things burn. Stick matches in the old neighborhood theater. Plastic soldiers in the basement. The riled up anthill in the vacant lot across the street. He wants to resurrect a dying snake. Look at the stars at night and imagine undressed Martian Girls, and make a pipe bomb rocket that will reach the stratosphere (or accidentally kill someone). He wants to win the local Soapbox Derby race, but he has no wheels for his racer, so he wants to “borrow” them from a neighbor’s wagon. Just until he wins the race.

He’s a good kid.

Skip Morley just wants to keep his next-door neighbor and best friend out of trouble, but Jimmy’s tongue is golden. It’s a losing battle time and again.

Midway through that fateful year Skip meets Carol Hudson, the prettiest girl in town. Jimmy meets Sara Bernstein, “Gins”, a wannabe Beatnik from Manhattan. All the bets change. But before they meet their first loves, Jimmy and Skip will meet “The Skulls”, the most vicious gang around, in a series of running battles that could spell death for someone.

Open the doors to One Year On Meade Street, a remarkably different coming of age romantic, comedic journey with an unexpected and emotional ending.

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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I really like your work. I found myself reading non-stop. Just wondering if you could check out some of my stuff if you get a chance. Be blessed, Danny....

Wichtiger Beitrag

The exploits of Skip and his friends are believable and fitting to the era the book was written in.
As the book played out in my mind, the characters seemed to come to life thanks to Mr. Lee's fantastic story telling.
I savored every word & event and didn't want this book to end. I would love to see it adapted for television.

1 Kommentar

Oh my goodness! Thanks Chris. I'm flattered and honored that you spoke so highly of my second novel:)

It IS a novel, not a memoir, although Jimmy was in fact my next door neighbor, and he definitely was like Jimmy as portrayed in the book. I patterned Skip after myself, and... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I completed the Createspace revisions...mostly comma deletions...and now I'm going back through this edition making the same changes before I publish here. I have some "favorite chapters; 15, "Miss Marilou Jenkins", but I think my best was 20, "Peg-Leg's Return." Oh them boys!

Wichtiger Beitrag

I downloaded Firefox and opened your book again, and voila! Perfect! No more glitches! Thanks for the suggestion, whoever it was that recommended using Firefox! 'D

Okay - off I go to finish reading!

2 Kommentare

The funniest thing, Judy. I read the Bookrix book on how to format, followed the instructions, and voila! I hope you enjoy the rest of my little novel:) It;s readable, now.


Lol! Thanks, Pat! ')

Wichtiger Beitrag

I remember this (the first chapter anyway) from before. But I have to ask - did you use a voice-thingy to put this on the computer? Because every instance of "he was" has been changed to "hey what." It took me a while to figure out that it wasn't you - you write way better than that, so I have to assume it's the system you're using, or something like that. You might want to check into it.

There are also extraneous words... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare

Thanks Judy:)
he was/hey COULD BE a goof u in my writing, but for things that large, I usually catch them. What chapter(s)? Ch. 1????


Anyway...I'll go look after I read a new entry in the sci-fi comp! Thanks again, dear.

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Gelöschter User

I just have to read this story! But I have to tell ya: if it does not live up to the expectations that the blurb so generously rose, I swear I'll reach through the computer and cyber strangle you. It better be phenomenal! You don't want me all pent up wanting a great story and then disappointed.

3 Kommentare

We are our own worst well as our own best "Carnival Barkers":) :)

I think it's phenomenal, but I must admit, I'm slightly prjudiced. I think you'll love it, Sabrina. Thanks:)

Gelöschter User


Gelöschter User

Although I gotta say, the picture you used for the cover is actually really cool. Just add some effects and cool fonts and the cover art would be golden.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I haven't finished yet but it doesn't matter. This is, without a doubt, my personal favourite from Patrick and one of my top picks from ALL the offerings at BookRix. The characters and dialogue are so real and you can't help but laugh, cheer, and cringe as each escapade is sketched out in glorious detail. I can't wait for the final version and will read and re-read until it's done. And I just hope and pray this story gets the... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Thanks so much, Preston! Coming from the likes of you, I am flattered and encouraged more than you know!

I spent the day pushing chapters into the revised edition. The hard part is just around the corner, now.

Thank you again, sir.

Wichtiger Beitrag
S. K. Wilson

Love, love, love! Haven't quite finished it yet, but I am loving the phrasing you use in it - and those metaphors are pure gold! The descriptions in it really paint a picture, it's like I'm watching a movie.

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