Fall To Grace

Fall To Grace
Lazarus ate too much spicy food for dinner last evening. Tonight he is paying for it...falling, falling, falling...in more ways than one. The ground below is rushing up to meet him...

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Okay you've got me scratching my head over this one. Where exactly did Laz fall from? For Laz to fall with such force, well this could only happen in a story. I've got it, he must be like the cartoon figure Gumby.
I have to say this for you, I am always surprised, and entertained by your writing.

Wichtiger Beitrag

You had me at "He hit the ground...".

What a sense of humor you have, Patrick!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Paper Planes

This was so good, Pat! You had me laughing many a time, especially during the congregation at the end. But I've come to expect no less from you. Very well done Pat (or should I say Felix?). Definitely a favourite for me :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

I am only sorry Laz, didn't have someone nicer than me for the target of his affections. He has assured me however, that he is happy with the cast. I think he's being kind :-)

You've written this with wit and aplomb. I didn't expect anything less from Patrick Sean Lee, the writer.

There were so many funny moments, I can't really mention them here, but I wanted to say, I love this style of wit; inconspicuous with a large dose... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I'm dissapointed. You stopped the story way too soon. I was waiting for more descriptive antics.
Oh, what the heck...it is very well written at you- know- who's expense...lol.
PS...I'll get you for this.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I could compete with that. wonderful story. Besides, I love laughing at Lazarus's expense. No offence Laz, but this was fun to read.

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I'm feeling kinda left out! You always leave me scratching my head. I always like it I just have to read it twice sometimes. I think it's an Oklahoma thing!

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Gelöschter User

This contest is going to be sooooo good. It's funny, charming, hilarious. Nicely done.

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Gelöschter User

Oh Pat... where do you come UP with these ideas???

So funny, this one...

...though I'm sad that I didn't make it in... :(

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