Dear Diary--A Journal From Purgatory

Dear Diary--A Journal From Purgatory
Terence and Teresa have escaped the condemnation of Hell. They have ascended the infinitely long staircase outside Hell to the first of many landings, and are awestruck by what lies beyond the first doorway.

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Wichtiger Beitrag
Adlin T.

Patrick great writing. I love how descriptive you are in your writings. Very imaginative.
Adlin T.

2 Kommentare

Thank you, Adlin:)

I finished Purgatorio, but when it came to getting to work on Paradiso, I just couldn't figure out what to write!

"March 1,

Dear Diary,

Teresa and I are sitting on a cloud..."


Adlin T.

I'm going to look @ this book again maybe I'll have an idea

Wichtiger Beitrag
felixthecat's a nice place to visit, but ya' wouldn't want to live there:)
Thanks for reading and commenting:)

Wichtiger Beitrag

I am envious of your ability for details. I was able to see every aspect of this new "dimension" in my mind's eye. I kind of like the idea of purgatory made it seem a appealing, especially in the beginning, with all the music in the air.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

What an incredible imagination you have, Pat! Way to go! I wonder what will become of your characters as they venture through the next door...

Wichtiger Beitrag

You did it again! You're not nice! I HATE it when a book just ends.....darn it.
Okay, now I'm done pitching a fit, where in the hell did Theresa go? Definitely has my interest, and you are doing an excellent job of building this story. Your grammar is wonderful. If you could just quit the cliff hanger stuff, I would say excellent job. Robynn

Wichtiger Beitrag

I loved it. I was hypnotized and only distracted from mom's ranting. I can't wait for more

Wichtiger Beitrag

but something nhappened and it dsisappeared so, what do I think of what i did read? I have neaver read Bunyan, nor ante so i can only at what the influence is for this work, i have to say though that I liked it very much. A flight of fancy? Well, it is different and engaging. I have read many sci-fi stories that remind me of this in poart. Do carry on with it as it is one of those stories that you have to read on to... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Carol Wills

Again, you have captured my imagination. I loved the first Dear Diary, and can't wait to read more.

Carol x

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Excellent so far- please keep writing! :)

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