A Catchy Pitch

A Catchy Pitch
I've written two complete novels, one of which is adrift on the sea of self-published books. Excellent or otherwise there is a reason it is floundering. Here are my thoughts on it, which might apply to your work of genius.

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Thank you, Pat, for writing such a great piece. You've inspired me to do my best, with your words. I can relate to everything you wrote and I know how tough it is. I, too, have felt the sting of that rejection slip, many times. This essay is encouraging. You lay it all out as it is, without pulling any punches. I can appreciate the raw honesty and the utter determination to never give up hope. By the way, the guy on the cover... mehr anzeigen

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I echo Mary's sentiments. Judges are looking for something specific and it in no way means that either of you can't write or are inferior writers. Often read books with rave reviews, afterwards, I scratch my head and fail to see the hoopla.

It is their loss, and our gain. One day someone is going to be smart enough to snap you up, and when they do, remember us here struggling to follow in your footsteps!

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As Mary stated, there are thousands of good writers out in the world that never get published and rotten ones who do. Luck? Timing? Skill? I don't know...

But, as you stated Pat, get up, keep going and learn.

You write a good (or great) novel and then you have to become a savvy business person who can market. And the market is in flux - it is not static.

So read marketing books, pay attention to what works, get feedback on the... mehr anzeigen

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This is an essay we all need to go back and read over periodically just to remind ourselves of a few things: 1) it's a world of "NO" out there, 2) persevere, don't let one bad review or NO reviews at all get you down, 3) continue to have faith in yourself...you may be the only one who DOES have faith for a looooong time! 4) we can all improve.
Thanks for sharing!

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I hear you Pat. My entry didn't make it in either. Getting a book noticed is a difficult thing to do. I'm sure you've heard the stories of the already-famous authors who have submitted a pitch for an already-written novel to an agent... only to have it rejected. It's tricky business.

Keep writing and trying to get your works out there, but if you don't get published, don't think it's because you're a bad author, can't write a... mehr anzeigen

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Thanks so much. Yes, it's a long, sometimes hard road out there. I think the majority of us travel the same path.

And Vexadiem, I revise my comment. GOOD for you:)

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Thank You for your insight. I am not such an advanced writer as you are. I say that because I have read your writing and I always think and consider it good writing.

I've had the same problem with my first major book, "Black Dragon Red Sun." For me I've noticed that it makes a difference to which audience I pitch my book to.

Since my book is a true story about my time in the Vietnam War, I have better luck putting it out to the... mehr anzeigen

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Vexadiem, everyone fails at one time or another. Sometimes over and over. Those who finally prevail keep picking themselves back up. When the world doesn't believe in you, you must believe in yourself.

Get back up. Inspire yourself. The world isn't filled with brilliant authors, it's filled with a few who continue on when the times are roughest.

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good thing I reread my comment... the line "after reading this, I'm now inspired to write better."

was first.. "after reading this, I'm no[T] inspired to write better."

amazing how one letter can destroy a man.

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reading this... with me being a non native english speaker... i've lost confidence in all my works... i like it that way...

after reading this, I'm now inspired to write better.

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