Chrystal's Dragon Heart

The Pack Series-Book 4 (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) Von:
Chrystal's Dragon Heart
Chrystal was so alone! She’d lost the one man she thought was her mate. After his death she ran but she only got so far before she had to face the facts. One Devon hadn't been her mate and two her heart belonged to another. But could she let her heart go that far? Could she trust her judgment? Once she found out the truth could she forgive the man who was her destined mate?

Reese has finally found his mate. But will she accept the fact that he knew her lover was going to die on the last mission? Could she forgive not only him but herself? Having a premonition and using it to get close to Chrystal was against his normal morals. But he was going to have to use every ounce of his powers to his advantage before he lost her to the truth.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Pack Series"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Lost Love Found
The Pack Series-Book 2 (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance)
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The Hunted Becomes The Hunter
The Pack Series-Book 3 (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance)
0,99 US$
Chrystal's Dragon Heart
The Pack Series-Book 4 (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)
0,99 US$
Experiment Unleashed
The Pack Series-Book 5 (Paranormal Werewolf Romance)
0,99 US$
Unexpected Miles
The Pack Series Book 6
1,49 US$

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I am sorry I don't have a clue how to find a download on a phone. Maybe ask the tech support on the site???

Sorry and Thank you for the comment it is appreciated.

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L︀o︀o︀k ︀a︀t ︀m︀e ︀n︀o︀w︀ ︀h︀e︀r︀e︀ ︀➞ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?diamonds78_1347806253.8811590672

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I really do love this book! I downloaded it but I cant seem to find it on my phone. HELP!

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