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Wichtiger Beitrag
Wow! that was so awesome and intriguing. It left me aching for more; i hope there's more; it sounded like there should be more . . . please?
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ironic how your single yet your writing shows what the heart yearns good read
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P. K. Gallagher
Lol, I'm pretty sure it's because I'm single that I can write about what the heart yearns for. I'm glad you liked it. And thank you for the heart on Cerberus as well :)
Renier Laroche
welcome and i plan to buy it tomorrow and you maybe right or you simply enjoy teasing men because you wont allow yourself to taken :p
P. K. Gallagher
Psh, I wish it was something so flattering. As it stands, however, it's just a situation where no one has attempted taking *shrug*
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