
the book is about a monsters adventure Von:
User: omar

ut honce upon a time there was 5 monsters. One day the evil witch was making an evil plan so she can rule the monster world! She got her wand and she put wand in her evil portion and said some magical words and her wand got more powerful and powerful and boom! her wand was so powerful and shiny like a emerald and it was green like a leaf from the jungle but there was always the good guys the 5 monsters 

a comics book
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Carolina Shores, NC

I don't think it's hyperbole to say that with Bolton in the White House, the
chances of war have increased dramatically. A war of aggression, started by
the United States.

To its great discredit, the American public was duped into supporting the Iraq
War back in 2003. At least there was a modicum of an excuse at the time - the
trauma from 9/11, coupled with a ubiquitous drums-of-war campaign by the Bush
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venice beach, ca

Will Session's action be met by a successful 10th Amendment defense?
Ironically, see Scalia's majority opinion in Printz v. U.S. These hard right
conservatives love states rights and federalism, only when they hypocritically
decide that they don't!


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