Overcoming Forces of Household Wickedness

Deliverance from Family Problems Von:
Overcoming Forces of Household Wickedness

We have an enemy within and outside. Basically, in this book, we shall be discussing the enemy within. They are called household wickedness.

One of the biggest problems confronting mankind today is the problem of household wickedness. It is not difficult to state that what makes a wall fall is within its foundation. It is always said that a house rat tells the bush rat that there is fish in the house.


Equally, it is the thief inside that opens the door for the thief outside to access what is in the house. Your greatest adversity maybe from your own immediate family, neighbors, and friends.

Household represents one’s immediate or extended family. It could also mean your friends or neighbors. It sometimes could mean the people closest to you who have information about you.

You cannot really hide your nakedness or secrets before your household relations. They know your strength, failure, and successes. They know your prayers and sometimes your expectations. This book will help you to discover your enemy and win the battles of life.

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