Hotel 36 and other stories

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Hotel 36 and other stories

Mind Blowing short stories are collection of amazing stories, reading these stories will really lit up your day. it is everything you would see in a nobel laurate book.

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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Your story has good bones. You have an underdog protagonist with a desire and a colorful cast of characters. The setting is great. I would recommend another re-write to clean up the mechanics. Look for errors like missing words, poor syntax, and confusing/too wordy sentences.

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Kein Miniaturbild Entfernen fd60b6d1bbc44f5_1598360768.8207459450 978-3-7487-5499-2 Bitte wähle einen Grund aus Bitte gib die Stelle im Buch an. de de_DE