Azura : Introduction

Species survival is the key to evolution Von:
User: Eosfora
Azura : Introduction


Back in 1820, during the expedition in an icy den of Alexandra Land, Mikhail Lazarev discovered the remains of unknown species and took them to the mainland.

For hundreds years, scientists, representatives of the secret community "Sofia", tried to revive the mysterious creature, but numerous studies have created a brand new species.

Alice, the girl of twelve, is such representative. Having lost her mother and father, due to a mental disorder and a rare genetic disease, she for a long time has been wandering between the real world and the one created by her imagination. In one of such wanderings she meets up with extraordinary creatures whose very existence stirs the human mind since time immemorial.

The dreamcatchers, a constant attribute of Native American shamans, like a mazes are a clue to ancient mysteries that lie beyond the real world.

azura, mares, nightmares, asures
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