Children of the Glimmer Pool

Children of the Glimmer Pool

There are legends told throughout each of the four villages about a humble man named Frederick and how he fell head over heels in love for a woman made from the sun. When she dissolved back into a ray of sunlight, Frederick's tears of grief mingled with the sunlight and formed the Glimmer Pool. As tradition, each of the four villages decided to sacrifice one child to the Glimmer Pool. Children who did not drown in the bottomless pool would float to the surface and were immediately abandoned by the families who had raised them.These outcasted children are referred to as Children of the Glimmer Pool and are usually just as forgotten and disregarded as ever, but when Frederick's sacred ring goes missing, all fingers point to these seemingly deathless children. Iris, Nova, Farren, Maritza, Vanessa, and many more come together in an effort to search for Frederick's ring and to set things right.

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