Not Alone Anymore

Not Alone Anymore

Brianna, the social outcast has feelings towards her brother Chris's best friend Jack. Will everything have a happily ever after? Or will drama, jealousy, and popularity catch up to them before they make it out?


Chris haas had a normal life besides that fact that his parents died in a plane crash, ever since then he turned cold towards his sister and let his friends bully Brianna. He wants to help her but wants to keep his popularity at the same time. I guess popularity is more important to him that his own little sister.


Jack has always been good friends with Chris. They've know each other since diaper days. Jack ends up falling for the wrong people and in the process of picking himself up again, he ends up falling for his best friend's sister Brianna.


Brianna has no idea what people say behind her back,


Chris wants to save his sister but chooses popularity over her, 


Jack is in the middle of surviving a break up while falling for bri at the same time.


They all have no idea what will come in their lives but I have all the power to change their fates and to create happily ever afters.

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