Do I really Deserve this?

The Day I found Love Von:
Do I really Deserve this?
This is the short, very abbreviated version of how me and my boyfriend of 4 amazing years got started. It's not my usual thing, but I'll try!

memories, contest, love
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

You took me back to my high school days so many years ago. I think all of us go through pretty much the same feelings regarding boys and first love. You captured the feelings well. Look forward to more.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Nicole Mitchell

Just wave as you pass him, smile, show that you're a nice person. After a while, he might come talk to you. Don't be afraid to show him how beautiful and confident you are. Guys like confident girls, and they really like ones that take the time to just say "hi!" I hope this works out for you!

Wichtiger Beitrag

You totally deserve a guy like that anyone would! but listen I am kind of stuck I REALLY like this guy josh he rides my bus and lives in my neighborhood but at school i onnly see him like passing in the hallways and i am only in the sixth grade but i really want to know what to do next i lose my trainn of thought when I am around him, Any advice? normally im not shy but around him i lose complete control he makes my heart stop help?

Wichtiger Beitrag

Of course you do. We all deserve to have a special someone in our life. Someone who will listen when you are hurting and someone to show you how special you are. This story is short and I think the beginning of more to come. I enjoyed the peek you gave me and hope there is more to come. Serena

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