MAMA'S Shocking Secret

MAMA'S Shocking Secret
This book is about a girl who discovers a shocking secret about her mother.. The day was going so well. Untill Malaysia took a build road..

fiction, secret, shocking
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◔_◔ ︀↪ ︀➭ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-nicole-white-mama-039-s-shocking-secret

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Quite good, lol, i thought Malaysia is a country.

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◔_◔ ︀↪ ︀➭ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?gingerale5555_1310056756.7052719593

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The other comments are correct. With some touch-ups, this story could be very good. The premise is good enough for a vote. You have my vote.

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Good writing. As tina2010 mentioned, correct the typos and you will be good to go. I look forward to reading more of your work.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Your title is quite interesting, and it has a nice twist at the end. Your book cover suggests mystery in the story. But try to edit some typo errors in your e-book. You still have a lot of time to review it. If you do, you’re good to go because you have a good story plot. You have the potential to become a good writer. I hope this helps you. Good luck!

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