Loss Of Identity: Gus

A Tale from Tyrell: City of Stone I Von:
Loss Of Identity: Gus
Tyrell, a city divided. This is the first tale of many that led to the shattering of bones and tasting of blood: it starts with a love story. Gus had everything he wanted, but his only crime was falling in love with the wrong person. He was the first piece of the puzzle, the first warrior drawn by the scent of war. With this I impart the stories of the Black Parade.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Tyrell: City of Stone"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Loss Of Identity: Gus
A Tale from Tyrell: City of Stone I
The Warrens: Sam
A Tale from Tyrell: City of Stone II
The Wyverns: Nate
A Tale from Tyrell: City of Stone III
The Half and the Whole: Tori
A Tale from Tyrell: City of Stone IV
The Battle of Tyrell: Cynthia
A Tale from Tyrell: City of Stone V
Beiträge und Kommentare
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(ᵔᴥᵔ) ⇝ www.date4fuq.com?_ebook-nicola-collings-loss-of-identity-gus

Wichtiger Beitrag

I liked the story a lot. :) It sounded like a sci-fi. The prologue was very useful because it gave an explanation to the environment they were in and I liked it how it was so vivid. The main story itself was good too, but it sounded kind of rushed, I don't know that's just me. :P
Really enjoyed it, thanx for suggesting it :D

3 Kommentare

Thanks for the criticism, i'll try to improve it and i'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Gelöschter User

(ᵔᴥᵔ) ⇝ www.date4fuq.com?kestralvolta_1354444931.2433109283

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